Turkish Society for Nondestructive Testing - TURK NDT


Turkish NDT Society is officially founded in April 2007. In the first general assembly (06.10.2007), the board of directors and other organizational units have been elected. We hope that TURK NDT will be reorganized and supported by the international NDT community.

The main aim of the TURK NDT is to promote and participate in the development and application of NDT in Turkey, to represent the Turkish NDT community at international level, to widen the international co-operation, to organize conferences for information exchange, to organize educational programs.

Prof. Dr. C. Hakan Gür
+90 312 210 59 00
Find us at NDT 34

Product and Service Categories

  • NDT Services
    • Other NDT Services


Steffi Dehlau
German Society for Non-Destructive Testing (DGZfP)
Max-Planck-Str. 6
12489 Berlin Germany
Tel: +49 30 67807-120

WCNDT 2016

The 19th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing from 13-17 June 2016 in Munich, Germany is the most important event in our global NDT community.

You are cordially invited.